適合自行車競賽,及任何運動皆可使用特殊立體編織耐穿、舒適、透氣底部有 AXMAN 字樣的防滑條優質精梳棉 彈性足背
【AXMAN】GXG 自行車專用襪 /專業車襪/運動襪/短襪-綠色(2雙入)國家代表隊參賽指定品牌AXMAN,台灣生產製造, 自行車及任何運動皆可使用AXMAN為英文『樵夫』之意,創立於1985年的AXMAN明係事業,在自行車業已經默默耕耘超過20年,雖然AXMAN擁有不落人後的業界資歷,但在台灣自行車市場可說是新面孔,原來AXMAN和許多自行車場一樣,創立初期專注於外銷市場,直至近年台灣單車熱潮蜂起,於是在2008年正式進入國內市場,車款皆在台灣生產製造,外銷熱門精品,台灣車業的驕傲。 襪口特殊設計 穿著舒適緊實 束口不易鬆脫 並有 AXMAN Logo 字樣 匹美 PEARL IZUMI 一樣 耐穿、舒適、透氣襪身使用特殊透氣網狀編織 不悶熱、不易破底部有 AXMAN 字樣的防滑條 100% Made in Taiwan品質有保證6 種顏色任您挑選 注意事項:1. 產品因拍攝關係或因環境燈光、螢幕顯示器不同,顏色略有差異,實際商品以廠商出貨為主。2. 產品一經拆封使用過後,由於襪子屬貼身衣服,為保障其他顧客權益,恕不辦理退換貨。 AXMAN為國家自由車代表隊競賽使用車款的贊助商,奧運及個項比賽更是能見到AXMAN的蹤影,AXMAN的碳纖維技術的研發與創新,在歐美各國更是享譽盛名,許多的知名品牌都委由AXMAN來代工製造,現在AXMAN更提供給您高品質的自行車工藝的選擇擁有剛性與速度的舒適PREMIUM QUALITY BICYCLE ASSEMBLY AND EXCEPTIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE.With over 21 years of mastery experience in the field of bicycle assembly and parts manufacturing, AXMAN continues to inject vigorous investments in the latest and most advanced technologies to sustain its distin guished leadership in the industry. AXMAN offers premium quality bicycle assembly and exceptional customer service.Centering its investments and business development strategies in the area of carbon fiber frames, AXMAN produces exceptionally rigid, strong and light weight bicycle frames of the highest caliber that utilize the latest monocoque construction techniques and cutting edge designs.In addition to custom design, AXMAN offers unrivalled Road, Time Trial, Triathlon and MTB carbon frames. AXMAN’s 2008 new product launch includes Full Suspension MTB, Road, Track and Comfort models.Customer support and breakthrough product development has and will continue to be AXMAN’s center of at tention to business and brand development. We value our customers and strongly belief that our success is a direct result from the support from our customers. We look forward to supporting your growth and success in the coming future.
【AXMAN】GXG 自行車專用襪/車襪/運動襪/短襪-綠色(2入)

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